Prince Holden and Princess Kate

Holden-SmKate and Holden Sketch

Sit back for a story
Of a sister and brother
Who had a great adventure
And one like no other
There were tiaras and monsters
Ballet and Rockets
And an unexpected ending
Some might find a shocker

Princess Kate was the sister
Prince Holden the brother
When Kate was taken
Holden should have told his mother
But instead he packed supplies
(And chose not to tell his father)
And charged off to save Kate
Who was locked in the Black Tower


Still breaking in new sneakers
And ignoring his blisters
The young prince ran quickly
Through prickly plants and thistles

He could see the tower off yonder
But finding himself knee-deep in muck
Decided walking wouldn’t do
What he needed was a monster-truck


With the pedal to the metal
He drove his truck through the mud
Collecting a gajillion gooey things
Across his fiery hood
But as the land became drier
And the incline grew steeper
The truck couldn’t go
And he had to climb up Mount Creeper

Holden charged up the mountain
But soon found it too tiring
His blister was growing
And hurt too much when climbing
He needed something to help him
So he plunged his hand in his pack
And tossed his lame rope aside
As he flung his jet-pack on his back


He flew high over the mountain
But when he finally landed
It was in a clearing of dead grass
And everything smelled far from dandy
Fearing a delay in saving Kate
Holden got ready
Then a giant dragon emerged
Who wasn’t just scary (he was silent and deadly!)


The dragon bent over
And raised its tail in an arc
Holden expected a burst of fire
But the dragon just let out a…fart?!

Oh, it was awful and yucky
It was smelly and gross
And they just kept on coming
They burned his eyes and curled his toes


Some sounded like chair squeaks
Some sounded like trumpets
Prince Holden fell to his knees
He had to escape the dragon’s fartlets
He ducked and he covered
It was useless to fight it
He stopped, dropped and rolled
Dashing away he escaped it

Without looking behind
The smell still stuck in his hair
He burst through the tower door
And began up the stairs


But his blister was screaming
And the stairs were too many
So a rocket was required
To finish up saving Katie


Holden landed with a crash
Kate must be in that room
But the blue witch appeared
Riding her magical flying broom
Holden stood strong for a fight
But to his astonishing dismay
The witch just said she’s already left
I guess I was no match for Kate

The witch had a note that read
“Holden, I was too bored to wait
What took you so long?
See you at home,” love Kate
Holden went to the window
To see how far was the distance
Back home to the castle
A hang-glider was needed

Gliding back to the castle
The prince was a little distressed
At not saving the day
And his big sister, the princess
But at home all were waiting
And Kate smiled and hugged him
And said, “Sorry there was nothing for you to do
But thank you for trying

A pooped Holden stood looking
Off towards the Black Tower
Having now filled his belly
And washed and scrubbed in the shower
He was glad Kate was safe
But thought what a bunch of balonga
But at least he’s made friends with his blister
Who he’s now named Tony

Written by Chadwick Gendron 2011, Illustrations by Matt Ward, Character Sketch by Chadwick Gendron

Princess Kate and Prince Holden

Kate-SmKate and Holden Sketch

Sit back for a story
Of a sister and brother
Who had a great adventure
And one like no other
There were tiaras and monsters
Ballet and Rockets
And an unexpected ending
Some might find a shocker

Princess Kate was the sister
Prince Holden the brother
When Kate was taken
Holden should have told his mother
But instead he packed supplies
(And chose not to tell his father)
And charged off to save Kate
Who was locked in the Black Tower


Now Kate when she was taken
By that mean old Blue Hag
Had managed to grab
Her well-prepared bag
So when she was locked up
While others would be distressed
She was as cool as a cucumber
What a clever princess


First she sent word
By a cute carrier pigeon
That all was OK
A responsible decision
Assessing her situation
And seeing she wasn’t in a hurry
She decided to play dress-up
In angel wings that were furry


She then had a tea party
With her babies and bear
Painted the Tower room pink
And then she braided her hair
Then the babies got diaper changes
And Teddy a sweater
Followed by many pirouettes
Each getting better and better


Now Kate had once read
In the Big Book of Pretend
Of a little song that when played right
Called a most magical friend
You had to do a faerie dance
And play the song on a little horn
But before you could finish
There would appear a winged unicorn


Kate had done this once before
And it had worked out just perfect
So she had requested her unicorn
Be the same one called Rodrick
He was purple and pink
And flew through the prettiest places
And often made her giggle
By making funny faces


So on Rodrick she flew
Out through the Black Tower passage
With a sweeping circle around
To send the Blue Witch a message
She unfurled a banner
Written in sparkly letters
That read, “Blue Witch, Eat Worms!”
And: “Give Holden my letter!”

Now the Blue Witch felt spurned
Embarrassed and insulted
But by the time she got her wand out
Kate was gone, the witch was halted
She could see Kate in the distance
The soaring unicorn
Flying loop-de-loops while Kate giggled
On her way home

With the Blue Witch behind her
And the castle in the distance
Kate suddenly noticed
The most horrible of stenches
She looked down in the valley
And saw a dragon so green
She knew he must have a tummy-ache
So Kate suggested some remedies

She told him to lay off the cheese
And cabbage and beans
He promised he would eat better
Starting first thing the next day
And with a funny sounding voice
Because she was pinching her nose
She told him to take better care
Then she swooped off home

Over great mountains
And a sea of mud, without hassles
Past her mother’s flower garden
To land on the roof of the castle
Kate gave Rodrick an apple
And thanked him for assisting
And then after washing up
Had a snack in the kitchen

Later Kate was dressed up
In a dress that was golden
And on her way to play dollies
She bumped into Prince Holden
She gave him a great big hug
And thanked him for doing his best
But adding the Blue Witch would think twice
Before messing with this princess

Written by Chadwick Gendron 2011, Illustrations by Matt Ward, Character Sketch by Chadwick Gendron